if: Flying
if: Welcome
e4 i-spot iconic games characters
An i-spot journey through the decades of computer and console gaming. Is your favourite in our top 30 list of gaming heroes?
I’ll admit, I hadn’t heard of half of them until we did the project.
e4 i-spot school misery
In fact, e4 commissioned another many and several i-Spot books. There are *counts on fingers* another three to come after this; 30 most embarrassing things about school, ranked via internet-based poll!
Unsurprising fact: Nobody was at all embarrassed to have skived lessons at school.
e4 i-spot bad films
e4 was pleased with the internet book so they commissioned another.
30 of the worst films ever committed to celluloids await your assessment.
BTW: Having watched so much crap to do this project, I have to say the phrase “So bad it’s good” is nonsense. They are just bad, and the enjoyment is in seeing why they fail.
e4 book of internet memes
Genuinely lovely to do: The top 50 internet memes collected together in the form of a 70s-style I-Spy book. What’s your score out of 500? I was rather distressed to find I only got 490 – and I thought I was so leet.
Comedy Cuts
Rob and I made the opening sequence for this no-frills comedy show. Their USP is that they grab acts off the stage while they’re fresh and slap them on TV – and see what works. Thus, we did the same with the clay models.
JibJab Sendables 3
Another bunch for JibJab – Inspired by the Thank-you Cat, we went full-on claymation.
Stupid clients
“Oh hai there, clients. We made this, but it’s not about you!” Phone-smashing main character is heavily based on an angry Rob.
Nasty festive fantasy. The lovely winter wonderland background is made of tissue paper and twigs. You should hear the demo for this: it’s catchy but Rob sounds mental.
Rotten Christmas
Churlish Christmas sentiment – we got out the ornaments early for the background though. That was fun!
This Little Thing Likes You
Very tiny things, animated very simply.
Happy Birthday Groovy Chick
Fancy-schmancy disco floor made of Post-Its (what else?)