that I now have an IMDB entry, thanks to a tiny amount of work I did for the inimitable Joel Veitch‘s Mister Wormsley’s Christmas. Immortality beckons…
Tag: animation
Comedy Cuts
Rob and I made the opening sequence for this no-frills comedy show. Their USP is that they grab acts off the stage while they’re fresh and slap them on TV – and see what works. Thus, we did the same with the clay models.
JibJab Sendables 3
Another bunch for JibJab – Inspired by the Thank-you Cat, we went full-on claymation.
Stupid clients
“Oh hai there, clients. We made this, but it’s not about you!” Phone-smashing main character is heavily based on an angry Rob.
Nasty festive fantasy. The lovely winter wonderland background is made of tissue paper and twigs. You should hear the demo for this: it’s catchy but Rob sounds mental.
Rotten Christmas
Churlish Christmas sentiment – we got out the ornaments early for the background though. That was fun!
This Little Thing Likes You
Very tiny things, animated very simply.
Happy Birthday Groovy Chick
Fancy-schmancy disco floor made of Post-Its (what else?)
Secret Policeman’s Ball
An Indiana Jones-inspired short, promoting Amnesty International’s Secret Policeman’s Ball.
It was quite an ambitious project, with characters based on some of the comedy greats who’ve been on the show in the past – along with the ones from this year. Then crushing them all!
The set was made from chunks of wood and all filmed on the edge of Rob’s desk.
The Mighty Boosh threw us for a loop by double-booking themselves on that night, so we hastily reshot what was quite an involved end scene of them being trapped between encroaching walls.
We had to film it twice, due to the aformentioned laptop fire.
Check it out!
We also shot a couple of other promotional shorts.
More JibJab Sendables
JibJab got back to us with a bunch of new commissions. They were after stuff for a variety of occasions, which was nice, as it gave us the opportunity to mix things up a little.
Mondays Suck
A personal favourite. Also marks the beginning of Rob’s short calypso phase.
Trying something a bit different; the cat is made from Blu-Tack. It’s lovely to work with, although you may notice the cat getting slightly squatter as the sequence continues and it all settles.
Love you More Than
Huge Post-It-based flickbook. Original (rejected) ending “I love you more than Amy Winehouse loves drugs.”
Thank God It’s Friday
Emo Diary. BTW: Diaries are ludicrously expensive.
My Master Fancies You
Love the little robot.
Hurty Blister
Main character is based on a bloke I used to work with. Although he was fatter (and not made of paper).
You Rock
Never, ever work with cheese. It’s very sweaty, greasy and unpleasant.
Old People’s Cancer
Age-bashing birthday greeting with a more-than-usually morbid turn.
Extremely cursory generic greeting. It’s meant to be rubbish – that’s the gag.
Unused Pitch
JibJab Sendables
Spent much of last month animating and doing songs with Rob Manuel. Mister Pitchy is a demented singer-songwriter who pitches unsuitable ideas to various celebrities. We needed a format to hang some peculiar song ideas off.
Fed up with Flash so we decided to do the whole thing with cut-out bits of paper.
Code Code Code
Downbeat sentiment but a lot of fun to make a computer from cardboard. I think we should do the rest of ‘Windows the Musical’ at some point.
Crying (There’s a Hole in My Cock That Lets the Tears Out)
Sensitive ode to the way men deal with emotional breakdowns.
Evil little song. Also, evil little plug wouldn’t stand upright in any shots.
I Wish My Wife Was a Horse
Poor old Prince Charles…